doctor who season 13 reddit


But series 12 is another story. Thin Ice and The Pilot were also above average for DW. There’s a lot of great things about it. I also don't think it's needed to 'pump up' the episode count.
The scene in the Matrix between Thirteen and Ruth was nice, too. Don't have a proper opinion on series 10 as is not yet concluded and I've missed out on the last few episodes as I've been on holidays but so far it's pretty decent. He isn't perfect, but he will fight and beat an entity as ancient as the universe for those he protects. It's not a bad Series,and I would argue the arc is one of the strongest. Chinball spoke about his 5 year plan at the start, I believe. Some good action, and the direction is very solid. But y'know, 4 or 5 series would be nice. But honestly at times it's just so cheap it puts me off it. Once the Doctor comes to grips with the new reality of her exceptionally long life, she’s the same. I've seen every episode multiple times. While I still enjoyed it and it brought us wonderful episodes like The Girl in The Fireplace, School Reunion, and Doomsday, they still aren't enough in my mind to make up for the bad episodes. But what good is saying you liked something?

Amazing how in the same season as “Orphan 55,” series 12 could give us an episode that does every single thing that episode did but better. What I do have a problem with is how it’s all tell and no show. Series 3 (the first half was ok but the second half was amazing), Series 2 (The chemistry between The Doctor and Rose was better than before), Series 1 (for a first series it was good but the effects weren't so good), Series 6 (I only liked half the episodes but I think it was an improvement over series 5), Series 7 (for me it was the first bad series for Doctor Who), Series 9 (Clara was too annoying and there were too many 2 parters), Series 10 (Weak companion, boring episodes and disappointing finale), was just writing my comment then I saw yours and its bang on so no need haha, literally the exact same ranking. "I'd love to [return]," Gill said. The Doctor fully in the dark? Something she never did again all season. As always, these are opinions because I’m a human.

This comes up a lot, it's a five series plan, not five years (also had nothing to do with Chibnall, it was BBC Worldwide trying to sell the show to new markets like China by showing they were comitting to the show long term). But I wonder if Chinball will oversee two doctors like we saw with RTD and Moffat. Lots of people like series one. Alpha will be closing on March 31. I experienced varying degrees of enjoyment for the rest. I can see them leaving together but I could also see Chibnall staying for one or two series more, though I dont think he wants to stay as long as Moffat did. We meet a couple of real people—in this case Tesla (Goran Višnjić) and Thomas Edison (Robert Glenister)—and add an evil alien plot. Do you think the pair will leave together or will one depart before the other? Even "meh" episodes still had bountiful charm), Series 9 (Very outstanding Season with so many great episodes that I appreciate and what brought Capaldi up from one of my least favorite Doctors to my favorite Doctor. There were news (or rumors) that current team have started to work on series 13. Was totally perfect in the setting of Doctor Who and let you learn of his magnitude. If you’d have told me after series 11 of Doctor Who that I’d have a hard time deciding what episode of series 12 was my favorite, I’d have thought you meant “because you probably didn’t like any of them”. And Jodie Whittaker gets to be the best version we’ve yet seen of her Doctor. Where I do agree does have some good episodes, when is skunk it stunk like spoilt ice cream (spoilt ice cream smells like dog poop) and it went from me thinking Rose was good in season 1 to thinking she's literally the worst in season 2, I don't know, other then season 6 I love every season. Series 6 (first was was great, second half was meh), Series 7 (really mediocre but the last 3 episodes were so good). get better than series 11, but I find it highly improbable that the writing/acting and overall story threads/arcs will improve enough that I am clamouring for Jodie/Chibnall to stay on longer. 10 started in '05 and had specials throughout his last year, so was the doctor for 4-5 years. But when/if we get series 3 of that, it probably won't be in late 2021, leaving it free for DW. *Hartnell did two stories of season four. Doctor Who Season 13 Updates: It is based on a sci-fi series from of 1975, Doctor Who Season 13 will soon be coming live for an audience. I fucking begged to 1 or more gods, or fewer, for him to stay on until he was on his deathbed cause he was just fucking unbelievably good and I still feel slightly cheated we didn't get a full series with him in 2016, just a rather weak xmas special. Chris Chibnall's series has ended with mere 10 episodes on BBC One channel. 12 had a gap year, but had specials air, so he doesn't really count either but if you really wanna count it, then sure. (I think it's also likely being aired at an intentionally different time to His Dark Materials, given it's also a family fantasy/scifi type show.

These are things people need to deal with in their own way, and that felt so brilliantly of the moment. Yeah, it's weird to think that if she only does 3 seasons then in 3-4 episodes time her run will already be half over pretty much. Here is our ranking of every episode. Not so, I’m happy to say. Like more heavy-handed than friggin’ Hellboy. Good ranking, actually really "correct" IMO. I don't think anyone can (or tbh should) try and break Tom's record, and nowadays I really don't think you could even try. And then that very forgettable Christmas special with a name I can't remember), 7 (Yes, the production is pretty good. But that's just speculation based on, like, two comments.). It’s a fantastic, gorgeous, creepy, and emotional episode and I’ll ride that high until Christmas. So I think that’s what the “Troughton Rule” is really referring to. No amount of special effects can save series 7 from how hollow it really is.
As Riley Silverman wrote, it didn’t make light of these problems nor did it assert the Doctor could whisk them away with the sonic screwdriver. That's unfortunate, I'd really love to see her with a competent writer, I think she could be amazing. Another Doctor we didn’t know about? The BBC aren't likely to invite him back if the fan base has decried everything he has done. That being said I really enjoyed 2 stories from this year so far, Extremis and Oxygen. This suggests to me that the BBC are at least hoping for a fourth series from the current production team. And McCoy had had his arm twisted into doing a 4th series, so would have broken the "Troughton rule" if the show hadn't been cancelled. And hey, Captain Jack Harness back to warn the companions about the threats to come? I feel like this makes it seem like I don't like Series 10. I think that makes sense timing wise - assuming that the show stays on an 18-month release schedule, it would be series 13 in late 2021, and series 14 in early 2022. God, I love how many people in this thread love season 9, makes me feel less alone, Series 7 (let down by 7b really, I quite enjoyed 7a), Series 1 (Idk, I just genuinely felt like it had such a beautifully written beginning and beautifully written ending and was just a true masterpiece overall. Tennant, I was so sad he wasn't doing at least another season, especially because we knew Moffat was taking over as showrunner and back then that was like the holy grail for DW fans. Enjoyable series but not really overall "amazing". I too hope that Jodie stays past series 13. No reason for 13 to step down after 3 years either if she is still enjoying it. ), Series 5 (Much Like Series 1, it had a really good beginning and a phenomenal ending with much enjoyable entertainment in between, but it still has a few problems every now and then keeping it from a higher placement), Series 3 (Like Series 9, this season had great episodes all around especially towards the second half. If you’re a human with opinions, gimme your ranking in the comments below. The only episodes that stood out were listen and dark water. Doctor Who has been playing in my household for as long as I can remember. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. And there we have my ranking of Doctor Who series 12! In an interview, Jodie has said that she plans to stay for a long time, so we never know. I loved him but I guess I assumed he'd do at least another, 2 if we were lucky, series because he was so young. While I'd never WANT a Doctor to leave before their time, the idea that her sort-of-nothing characterisation would get more series than Capaldi makes me a little bitter. I started with Series 1, made it all the way to Time of the Doctor and then stopped when my interest in the show fell through (I did return to it though and have watched everything NewWho).. Then, at some point, from watching YouTube Clips, I decided I wanted to give Classic Who a go and wanted to start with the most famous Classic Doctor, so I went with Robot. So i guess it basically confirms that Chibbs is staying at the wheel. The spy pastiche wasn’t the most original idea for a British TV program but I thought it mostly succeeded. She wasn’t even worrying about that; the Master popped in through a portal and dragged her to Exposition Town. It was great to see Stephen Fry in it, if briefly. Maybe I'm being harsh, considering it's from 2005, but still. I still enjoyed it, but it was unbelievably forgettable. ), Series 8 (The Doctor seemed a little bit too dark for my tastes and the season seemed a little bit too stale as well. The Doctor doesn’t understand why they’re after her, but when she finally does, when that penny finally drops, it was mind-blowing. Although that's not to say there aren't still tons of hidden gem episodes in store for this season), Series 2 (I'll probably get alot of flak for this, but like Season 8 a lot of the episodes were downright atrocious. Surprised how low a lot of people rank Series 2, with Tooth and Claw, School Reunion, Girl in the Fireplace, The Impossible Planet/Satan Pit and Army of Ghosts/Doomsday I thought it was a genuinely well received series. ), Series 4 (While I won't dispute the genius and beauty that is Season 4, alot of episodes just seemed forgettable to me personally and while I did still enjoy it greatly, I didn't enjoy it as much as other people probably did. 10 started in '05 and had specials throughout his last year, so was the doctor for 4-5 years. The gap between Series 11 and 12 was 15 months.

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